Friday, July 21, 2006

I knew it!!!! Muhahahahahaha

You scored as Calvin. You are Calvin! You are an obnoxious little six-year-old who knows way too much to be getting Fs in school. You know how to have the best time playing, and can annoy adults to no end.

What Calvin & Hobbes character are you?


murali said...

Aaargh!! You scored as SUSIE?!!

You are Susie. Simple and sweet, you can insult Calvin in just the right way. You get perfect grades and help Calvin fail his tests. Because of you, the club G.R.O.S.S. started up. Isn't it great that you make a difference in the world?

Man, I'm depressed now!

One word to describe your blog - ECLECTIC

Kuan Gung said...

All of

Rainman said...

Lol....54% like Calvin, 50% like Dad, Mom and Hobbes. Nice blog, btw.

Spaax said...

hey dude, i was a wormwood, would have loved to be a susie...sigh

anyway, sravanthi, thanks...
yeah and am sure you can, havent learnt any copyright law yet, so rest assured.

Anonymous said...

heyyyyy.... i m hobbes...

Baba Sashank said...

im hobbes..heh.