Friday, February 09, 2007

Dear Sneha,

This is a week late. Nevertheless...

Six years ago when we met in the classroom at Chinmaya, little did I know then that you would end up becoming such an important person in my life. I think we barely exchanged pleasantries and introductions. I don't know how we became friends, but I am really glad we did.

The Rs.5 icecream ritual (finish lunch fast,discreetly slip out as if going to the loo, quickly scavenge for change, buy the icecream and find a safe place to eat it) may have ended. But a lot of things haven't. You still remain the one person who I know will never judge me. You still are the person who gives me that sense of calm. You still write your h's and t's with a scale! You still cut vegetables with scientific precision. You still can't scream much at people.

You still remain a constant in my life.

Happy Birthday Sneha!!!!

1 comment:

Spaax said...

hello, happy bday dear sneha and i is back. thought you should know.